sqlite3-journal is used for temporary purposes. sqlite3 is the main file extension associated with the version Sqlite 3 where database is a small C-library used by multiple applications. sqlite extension stores the WhatsApp messages database in encrypted form. It is used by Mozilla Firefox to store data and backups. sqlite-journal is associated with web Opener based on Gecko web layout engine. This is a shared memory file and only exists when Sqlite is working on Write Ahead Log (WAL) mode. sqlite-shm is related to Sqlite relational database for multiple platforms. sqlite format is the default file extension for Sqlite database. Let us get acquainted with the multiple file extensions of the Sqlite database. Sqlite database file types and file extensions, which are used to store the database, vary according to the different versions of the application on which it is implemented. With no requirement for an administrator and no dependency on a server, the Sqlite database is much more reliable and robust as compared to SQL. However, Sqlite is not always used as a relational database. Sqlite database is written in ANSI C and is stored in tables containing a number of fields and data types that can easily be accessed on any system supporting Sqlite with the help of SQL commands.
Sqlite is a widely accepted relational database management system to be embedded in software applications on a varied platform owing to its zero configuration and transaction oriented database engine.
If you don’t have zip software installed, you can download a free zip software such as 7-zip.įirst, use the command line program and navigate to the SQLite directory where the sqlite3.A Comprehensive Insight Into File Extensions of Sqlite The sample database file is ZIP format, therefore, you need to extract it to a folder, for example, C:\sqlite\db.
In case you want to have the database diagram for reference, you can download both black&white and color versions in PDF format.ĭownload SQLite sample database diagram with color How to connect to SQLite sample database You can download the SQLite sample database using the following link. The playlist_track table is used to reflect this relationship. The relationship between the playlists table and tracks table is many-to-many. Each track may belong to multiple playlists. playlists & playlist_track tables: playlists table store data about playlists.tracks table stores the data of songs.
genres table stores music types such as rock, jazz, metal, etc.media_types table stores media types such as MPEG audio and AAC audio files.However, one artist may have multiple albums. albums table stores data about a list of tracks.It is a simple table that contains only the artist id and name. The invoices table stores invoice header data and the invoice_items table stores the invoice line items data.
invoices & invoice_items tables: these two tables store invoice data.It also has a field named ReportsTo to specify who reports to whom. employees table stores employees data such as employee id, last name, first name, etc.There are 11 tables in the chinook sample database. The following database diagram illustrates the chinook database tables and their relationships. We provide you with the SQLite sample database named chinook. The chinook sample database is a good database for practicing with SQL, especially SQLite. Introduction to chinook SQLite sample database At the end of the tutorial, we will show you how to connect to the sample database using the sqlite3 tool. Then, we will give you the links to download the sample database and its diagram. Summary: in this tutorial, we first introduce you to an SQLite sample database.